5 Bedtime Drinks That Can Help You Lose Weight

Five bedtime drinks that can help you lose weight people are constantly struggling with excess weight in fact the National Institute of Health states that seventy-five percent of Americans are overweight what’s even more disturbing is that they also state that 33 percent of those people are obese obesity in certain conditions such as insomnia and other sleep disorders have a connection with excess weight according to scientists at the University of Chicago when you’re deprived of sleep it can impair your metabolism and disrupt your hormone levels now keep watching for top bedtime drinks that will help you get rid of excess weight before we begin this video don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more daily tips like this and turn on notifications so you never miss our new videos number five Keifer men’s health states that kefir helps increase the levels of healthy bacteria in the gut which increases proper digestion and helps absorb minerals and vitamins more effectively in addition research found in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that kefir helps improve sleep improved sleep helps you feel more refreshed in the morning and can also minimize the effects of stress with more energy throughout the day you’ll be less likely to succumb to the urge of snacking or indulging in less healthy treats you’ll also have more energy to exercise number four apple psyllium drink according to the daily health post the apples in this drink limit the absorption of fat from the gut and also make it easier for your body to break down the fats into fatty acids in addition a 2003 study published in PubMed shows that consuming 3 apples a day contributes to weight loss the daily health post states that when the body consumes psyllium it expands to form a gel like mass by drawing water from the colon this helps move waste from the colon more quickly to make this drink all you need is one apple one cup of cold water two teaspoons of 100% psyllium husk powder and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon to make this drink cut up the apple with the skin on it and blend it with the water until it’s smooth then pour the mixture into a large cup and stir the psyllium and the cinnamon powder with it drink it immediately after mixing is complete number three grape juice grape juice contains insulin and according to research that’s published in cell reports insulin has the ability to regulate the body’s circadian rhythms in addition a study found in 2015 International Journal of obesity found that resveratrol which is an antioxidant found in grapes actually converts calorie storing white fat into calorie burning brown fat number two milk according to Men’s Health cold or warm can help you sleep more soundly because it contains high levels of calcium and tryptophan also one way to get rid of excess fat is to turn it into muscle according to research from medicine and science in sports exercise milks casein protein is slow digesting so it can help build muscle overnight according to research from Birmingham University soy protein can help improve sleep by inducing melatonin also the tryptophan found in this beverage can help decrease cortisol levels which will help fight belly fat speaking of milk have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you drink a glass of milk every day well keep watching because after we tell you about the five bedtime drinks that can help you lose weight we’ll tell you about the health benefits of milk number one cherry aloe vera drink according to a study published in the Journal of medicinal food tart cherry juice produces significant reductions of insomnia another study found in the European Journal of nutrition explains that tart cherry juice can increase melatonin levels which will help improve sleep quality aloe vera gel contains powerful vitamins enzymes Sapan ins Leinen and minerals that can help with weight loss according to daily health posts remember losing weight comes from a combination of healthy eating and an active lifestyle if you change your diet and cut out sugary calorie heavy foods and also start exercising more you can lose weight and start improving your overall health that being said you don’t have to cut out all of your favourite foods completely everything in moderation you can have that slice of cake but don’t overdo it dieting can take a huge toll on someone’s mental well-being and if it’s not done the right way it can lead to binging or even just giving up if you are interested in losing weight but aren’t sure how to go about doing it or getting started it may be a good idea to seek advice from a medical health professional dietician physical trainer or nutritionist now that you know what drinks you should consume before bed to help you lose weight here’s what happens to your body when you drink milk every day most babies start their lives out getting their nutrition from the milk their mother provides then as you grow you are continued to be told to drink your milk in order to grow big and strong milk is rich in calcium so many people include it and other dairy products in their daily lives but what actually happens when we drink milk are we supposed to keep drinking milk into adulthood or is it something only meant for babies or calves there have been several studies done on the importance of milk including one by the Harvard University and dairy Education Board there are also some people who believe that drinking milk regularly is good for the body and think that dairy is important and there are others who think that milk is a deadly poison there’s even an entire website dedicated to anti milk called nut milk calm which features tons of articles pointing out the supposed evils of milk however there are still facts pointing towards milk and dairy products being beneficial to our health milk can help you lose weight nutritionists Alan Aragon MS finds that people can still thrive on milk whether it be build muscle or lose fat in an article he wrote for Men’s Health magazine he points out some of the facts and theories that cause certain people to cut milk out of their diets one claim suggests that milk from cows has cancer-causing hormones after going through research on anti milk claims as well as being aware of the pro milk propaganda he’s come up with a few answers about the regular consumption of the beverage he points out that in a six-month study conducted at the University of Tennessee the research found that overweight people who drank three servings of milk a day lost more belly fat than people who followed a similar diet but didn’t drink as much milk research also found that calcium supplements don’t work as well as drinking milk this is because there are other compounds in milk and other dairy products that can better assist with burning fat though this has to be paired with a good diet drinking a bunch of milk and eating junk food will most likely not result in a healthy weight loss milk helps build muscle milk is also good for building muscle according to Aragon in fact milk is one of the best muscle foods on the planet he writes the protein in milk is 20% whey and 80% casein whey is a fast digesting protein that quickly breaks down into amino acids to be absorbed by the bloodstream in casein is digested slower milk is good for bone health milk is widely believed to be good for the teeth and bones due to it being a good source of vitamin D milk can relieve stress and heartburn it’s also known to help reduce stress and relieve heartburn everyone knows to reach for a glass of milk if they ate something too spicy the thick cool beverage coats the esophagus and helps alleviate the burning sensations milk controversy some scientists suggest that milk taken from cows who have been given antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance to those who drink it which would make antibiotic medicine less effective however this theory has never been proven Aragon also touches on the fear surrounding drinking milk from cows who have been given hormones when the use of growth hormone rb/gh was approved it caused controversy the same hormone boosts the insulin-like growth factor in milk which is a hormone that has been linked to cancer he explains it the only way this hormone can become cancer-causing is if it’s injected so even though none of the chemicals will be transferred if you drink milk from hormone treated cows it’s also important to keep in mind that hormones aren’t good for the cows whether you’re going to continue drinking milk or you’ve started to question its benefits there are a ton of other foods rich in calcium that you can try you can grab a kale salad eat some oranges or soy beans or you can switch to an alternate milk beverage such as soy or rice ice milk why don’t you think about these bedtime drinks do you drink milk on an everyday basis let us know in the comments section below enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your friends also subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for watching

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How I Lost Belly Fat In 7 Days: No Strict Diet No Workout!

No diet, No exercise. How I lost belly fat in one week. Do you have that one item of clothing hanging in the back of your closet that’s perhaps a little on the small size but you swear up and down one of these days you’re gonna lose the weight and rock that skin tight dress Yep, me too the biggest thing holding me back from putting on that dress is my belly literally So I decided to do something about it I got rid of the pooch in just a week without any extreme dieting or hours at the gym you wanna know my secret well just keep on watching but first don’t forget to subscribe to this channel Bright side puts out lots of helpful videos like this one every single day so be sure to hit that notification bell too that way you won’t miss a thing. Okay I’ll start by telling you what brought this little experiment on in the first place when I say I decided to get rid of my diet perhaps I didn’t use the right term.

I was basically thrown into panic mode when the guy of my dreams asked me out one day and I had just one week to slim down my waist line But it’s not like that was the only reason I wanted to do it I’ve been feeling kind of puffy and sluggish around that time and I wasn’t liking it one bit I wanted to not only look drop dead gorgeous in that body hugging number but also feel better first and foremost I started by doing some research I was surprised to find out that that isn’t always the culprit when it comes to extra inches around the mid section if you’ve just recently noticed that you’re not fitting into your clothes the way you did not so long ago it’s more likely a result of bloating and water weight It sounded exactly like what I was going through so I drew up a list of goals I wanted to achieve get rid of bloating reduce water retention reconsider my diet and lifestyle 1.

What I did to reduce bloating So bloating is definitely not fat It’s air or gas that collects in your gut and causes the stomach to feel tight, full, and swollen Once I established that I was indeed bloated Here’s what I did to reduce it. I tried this thing called accupressure since I’d read that it really helps with bloating I used the following two methods the first pressure point can be found about four fingers above your belly button I massage this spot for three minutes using both clockwise and counter clockwise movements it really does relieve stomach cramps and prevent gas permission the other point is four fingers below your belly button Again, I massage this spot for three minutes moving clockwise and counter clockwise circles This is supposed to stimulate your intestines and get rid of heaviness in the stomach Yeah I’d say it works consuming more ginger is another bloat reducing trick I read about you can drink it as a tea or eat it fresh to prepare ginger tea I peeled and diced about three ounces of ginger root and put it in a teapot I then added three cups of water let it come to a boil and waited for it to cool down I squeezed in some lemon juice stirred in half a teaspoon of honey and that’s it this drink wasn’t just useful for getting rid of bloating it tasted really good too you can also just eat a teaspoon of grated ginger before meals that’s what I did but it was a little too spicy for my liking I only realized later that I could sprinkle ground ginger over my dishes oops Oh well maybe I’ll try that method in the future Finally along with the accupressure and ginger recipes I started adding turmeric powder to my water and smoothies I tried to drink more peppermint tea as well they’re both really effective at alleviating nasty bloating 2.

How I got rid of water weight Getting my bloated stomach under control was just half the battle I also needed to flush out the excess fluid that was building up inside my body At least that’s what the experts recommend according to my research here is exactly what I did to get rid of this so called the fluid retention I cut way down on my salt intake I read that too much sodium which is the stuff that in salt causes the body to retain more water this would explain that puffy feeling I’ve been having before the experiment began I included more potassium rich foods in my diet potassium helps get rid of water weight by reducing sodium levels in the body It also makes you pee more So that excess fluid makes its way out of your body for that reason Tomatoes, bananas, spinach, avocados, beet root and coconut water became my best friend I also tried making dandelion tea couple of times this herb is a natural diuretic which means like potassium it increases urine production in the body It really does work but if you decide to give it a go just be ready for lots of inconvenient trips to the bathroom I try to consume fewer carbs since they supposedly increase your insulin levels.

Insulin makes your body retain more sodium. and you already know what that means more water retention so I cut down on processed sugar and other sweeteners as well as all kinds of desserts, chocolate, and refined grains this was certainly one of the toughest aspects of the experiment But to tell you the truth it’s not that restrictive of a diet so you don’t really feel like you’re dieting Finally your biggest ally when it comes to reducing water weight is water surprising right but it’s true the more water you drink the less liquid builds up in your body 3. how I changed my lifestyle and reconsidered my diet before I started this experiment I didn’t really have the worst diet out there but I didn’t realize what changes could be made I replaced carbs with protein. No, I didn’t feel starved or unhappy. I actually felt lighter and full of energy. Nuts, fish, dairy products and meat turned out to be no less delicious than junk food and pastries I reduced my portion sizes but it more often throughout the day instead of three huge meals I had six that weren’t particularly big but were still big enough to fill me up I gave up sodas and other sugary drinks believe it or not carbonated drinks make you bloated and gassy I completely quit the sugary store bought stuff and made my own tasty and fat burning drinks at home here are some of my favourite recipes to make it super refreshing and slimming citrus drink throw half a Cup of pomegranate, half a Cup of grapefruit, a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of honey into a blender and that’s it enjoy! I sure did To prepare a coconut water drink.

Grab one fourth Cup of pineapple, a Cup of coconut water, half a teaspoon of ground fennel seeds and a bit of black salt Again blend it all together and you’re all set Oh drink why not ice so you should try it that way too This celery cocktail is easy to make too you’ll need half a Cup of celery, a Cup of water, half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a pinch of ground black pepper Blend this celery with the water, pour it into a glass, add the vinegar and pepper stir it and drink up The lifestyle changes were a no brainer instead of the elevator I took the stairs instead of parking near the entrance to someplace I parked further away and walked instead of sitting in front of the TV all evening I went for short fifteen to thirty minute walks basically any little thing I could do to get moving more I didn’t see no gym membership needed I did try one specific exercise you can do for bloating and it’s called the stomach vacuum it’s not as scary as it sounds all you have to do is get on all fours and inhale deeply while loosening up your stomach muscles then when you exhale tighten your belly muscles and hold it for twenty to thirty seconds I did this for just five minutes a day and I saw a big difference within a week What can I say in the end it It all worked that dress ended up fitting need better than ever Oh and I got lots of compliments from my date but what started as a one week experiment actually became changes I’ve made for good I look and more importantly feel so much better So If you’re dealing with bloating, excess weight or just low energy and feeling sort of bleh why not make these lifestyle changes too Do you have your own recipes for losing a dress size in a week share your secrets in the comments below If this video has helped you out give it a like and share it with your friends Stay happy and healthy.

On the bright side of life. .

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Here Is How Much You Must Walk To Lose Weight

ONE OF THE SAFEST AND EASIEST EXERCISES IS WALKING. WITH THIS EXERCISE YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HEAVY EQUIPMENT, YOU WON’T GO AT THE GYM AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LOSE EVEN ONE POUND OF WEIGHT WEEKLY. Lose Weight This is amazing right? You just have to change the walking routine and make it a little bit more exciting. You can tell your friends to come with you. You can change the track. All of these small things will keep you entertained and not bored. You won’t have to be on a diet or to spend hours in the gym. Walking will help you to lose a lot of weight.

Just look at it! Want to lose weight without going to the gym? Lose weight with proper walking. The body weight and walking place are very important for losing weight. If you walk with a pace of 4 miles in an hour, you could lose up to 400 calories. A pedometer is going to help you to lose weight. A pedometer can control weight lose effectively and better. You just have to wear it around your hip area and it will record the number of every step you take. How many steps do you need to walk to lose weight? • 1 mile is equal to 2000 steps, so you will burn 100 calories; • 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories; • Losing 1 pound in one week means you will lose 500 calories daily; • Walk 10,000 steps if you want to lose 1 pound of weight! Walking style Your eyes should be 100 feet forward, you abdomen should be tight, your chin should be up and your glutes should be squeezed. This is your walking style if you practice walking as an exercise. At this point the pedometer comes into play! How often we need to walk in order to lose weight? Once you start you should walk 15 to 20 minutes daily and 3 days weekly.

If you want gradually increase the exercise for up to 30 to 60 minutes daily. Before you start with walking as an exercise you should consult with your doctor. .

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1 Kg वज़न घटाएं in 1 Day | Easy Weight Loss Home Remedies in Hindi | Lose Weight Fast

We lazy people… Yes, we people! Although, we go to the gym.. ..but just to pay the fee! We would have also jogged every day… ..if our house had been near the sea 🙂 Yoga.. Can we do it? It would have been great if we could actually do these activities, but even if we can’t, there are many other easy ways to lose weight! Ingredients Take a Mixer Grinder / Chopper and put cut apples, cucumber, mint leaves and ginger in it. Grind the mixture Now add a glass of water to this mixture Mix it again Pour it into a glass Add half a lemon to it You can garnish the drink with mint leaves Your drink is ready! Ingredients Heat one glass of water in a pan When water starts boiling, add 1 spoon of cumin seeds. Boil it for 2-3 minutes, and slow down the gas.

Turn off the gas in 5 minutes and let it cool down Once the water is lukewarm, pour it into a glass through the sieve. Add 1 spoon of honey and stir well Add half a lemon and 5 curry leaves Stir it well Your drink is ready! Heat a glass of water in a pan Take 2 cloves of garlic Add half a lemon to the lukewarm water Stir it well Chew these 2 cloves of raw garlic on an empty stomach After chewing the garlic, have this glass of lukewarm lemon water Ingredients Take 50 grams of coriander leaves One lemon and four glasses of water Heat this water till it becomes lukewarm Take a mixer / grinder Grind these coriander leaves Now the coriander paste is ready Add this coriander paste to lukewarm water Stir it well Pour it into a glass Add half a lemon to the drink Your drink is ready! Ingredients Heat a cup of water and let it boil Once the water starts boiling Add 1 spoon of ginger to it Let it boil for 3-5 minutes Add 1 spoon of green tea to it Stir it well, and keep it aside for 5-7 minutes Sieve it into the cup Add half a lemon to it Your drink is ready!

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How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Night With This Diet

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Single Night Each of us has some belly fat, even people who have flat tummies. That is normal, but too much of it can affect your health stronger than other types of fat. Being overweight does not always mean being unhealthy. There are many great examples of overweight people who have excellent health. On the contrary, there is the same amount of examples of people who are skinny, but face some metabolic issues. All that happens because the under-the-skin fat does not cause so many health problems. It causes only discomforts from the cosmetic point of view. Doesn’t it? The real monster is the fat in the abdominal cavity, also known as the belly fat.

Not only does it bring you health problems, but also it one of the most difficult types of fat to get rid of. Hence, belly fat is more than just an irritant that makes your clothes feel tight. How can it bring health problems? You might ask. Here is the answer: Some fat is there right under your skin, on the other is deep inside, around your organs. Liver, heart, lungs. This type of fat is called visceral fat, and this is the very type which is bad, even for slim people.

Well, don’t get disappointed so fast. We do need some of visceral fat though. Guess why? Yes, because it acts as cushions around your organs. But again, you should know the measure, because too much of it can cause high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even some types of cancers. Now, how to know if you have too much of belly fat? There is a straightforward way to do it! Get a measuring tape and put it around your waist, Did it? Now you can check your girth. Keep in mind that you should do it while you are in standing position, not sitting, okay? It will be easier if you start and finish at your belly button, that will give you measurements that are more precise. Now, if you’re a woman and your waist size is less than 35 inches, Relax! Everything is fine. However, if it is more than 35 inches, then you definitely should consider this diet. Secret of which we are going to reveal very soon. And if you are a man, then the waist size less than 40 inches sounds pretty okay. On more than 40 inches should alarm you and the diet would be a good way out.

Moreover, there are two types of shapes; a pear size when the hips and thighs are bigger than your waist line, and an apple size when your waist line is wider than your hips and thighs. In fact, a pear size is considered safer than an apple size. Why? An apple size shows that you have too much of belly fat, which means that you have too much of visceral fat in your body. So, if your measurements show that you have too much of extra fat around you waist line, even if you’re not obese or heavy, then you should consider some ways to say goodbye to it. Sounds like an uphill task, huh? Don’t give up that fast! You’ll be surprised to know that this task can be accomplished within one day. In this video, we are going to show you an outstandingly effective and quick way to lose belly fat. And not only it.

Have you ever tried dieting before? Probably yes. Therefore, you know how exhausting it might be. This diet will not only make your belly flat, but also it will help you to lose unnecessary weight and burn those nasty calories. Moreover, you’ll get a purified body as a result. Intrigued? The diet consists of smoothies, juices, and teas, an extra amazing thing for tea lovers. All this stuff acts as a drink detox that additionally cleanses your body very fast, that will give you a boost of energy, and the most important thing is that you’ll know the way of getting a flat stomach and will be able to use it whenever it is required. So, are you ready to hear the most amazing diet ever? Here’s how you can do it: You should start right in the morning, 8 AM.

Drink a glass of warm water with some lemon juice in it. Good start! After a couple of hours, take another glass of warm water with apple or orange juice in it. Do you find it interesting? Then at noon, get yourself a cup of green tea. Not bad! After an hour, you should drink a glass of cold water with carrot juice in it.

At 3 PM, take a cup of your favorite tea. Do you like it so far? At 5 PM, have a glass of your favorite juice. That might be your favorite part of the diet. After another couple of hours, take one more cup of green tea. At 9 PM, grab a glass of water with grapefruit juice in it. We are almost there. (hopefully) Finally, after another hour at 10 PM, you should finish the diet the way you started it. Have a glass of warm water with some lemon juice in it.

The important thing is that you are not supposed to add any artificial ingredients to your drinks. It is probably hard to believe, but your tummy will become flat in just 24 hours. Moreover, your body will get rid of all the toxins. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start it tomorrow! Do you know any other amazing diets? Share them in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share your results in the comments as well. Don’t forget to hit the like button below the video and click subscribe to join us on the Bright Side of life. .

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